Village Boards
Board Directory
Village Board of Trustees
Don Wilken, Chairman
[email protected]
Kevin Gerlach, Protem
[email protected]
Stefani Grell
[email protected]
Mark Sobota
[email protected]
Tanya Johnson
[email protected]
The Village Board of Trustees meets on the second and the last Wednesday of each month.
Cemetery Board
Doug Tweton, Chairperson – 402-430-3040
Gary Krings
Barb Maytes
Bob Timblin
Donny Wiles
Clay Weston
Roger Lambert
Mike O’Rourke
Cemetery Board meets once a year and as needed.
Historical Society Board
John Johnson, President
Gayle Kelly, Vice President
Jarid Massa, Secretary-Treasurer
Kim Thomason
Kathleen Stage
Gregg Lloyd
Retta Swaim
Sandra Kimball
Greenwood Historical Society meets the 4th Saturday of the month at 10am at the Community Center.
Greenwood Library Board
Julie Wrich, President
Patsy Mandery
Elena Huetson
Jenah Riggs
Ashley Risney
The Library board meets every other Month on the first Thursday at 6:00pm in January, March, May, July, September, and November.
Greenwood Parks and Recreation Committee
Shelby Stewart, Chairperson
Kristen VanLaningham, Vice Chairperson
Haley Rockwell, Secretary-Treasurer
Jim Swenson
The Parks and Recreation Commission meets on the third Monday of each month at 7:00PM unless noted.